m. 5 Apr 1958
Documents |
 | Marriage- Smith, Opal-Houck, Richard 1 Smith - Houck
wedding in California
Miss Opal Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith of Sacramento, Calif., became the bride of Mr. Howard E. Houck [sic Richard H. Houck] of Delia, Kansas, at 10 a. m. Saturday, April 5, at the Northminister Presbyterian Church in Sacramento, Calif. The double ring ceremony was read by the Rev. Robert M. McLean, pastor of the church. The alter was decorated with bouquets of white stock and ferns. Mrs. Luella McInnes, organist, played several selections and the traditional wedding march.
The bride was given in marriage by her father. Her ballerina length white dress was made with a fitted, sleeveless bodice and full skirt. A tiara of seed pearls held her shoulder-length veil of nylon tulle and she carried a bouquet of white carnations.
Mrs. Robert Goodman, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. She was attired in a lime green, princess style, street-length gown, and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. Mr. John Houck, brother of the groom, served as best man and Gordan Moody, friend of the bride and groom, ushered.
The bride’s mother wore a tan dress with black accessories. Her corsage was white carnations.
A reception was held following the ceremony at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Houck. The bridal table was centered with a three- tier wedding cake which was made and decorated by the brides’s mother. Mrs. Gordon Moody had charge of the guest book.
Out of town guests were Sgt. and Mrs. Raymond A. Sumner and daughters, Jacquelyn and Sharon of Tacoma, Washington; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gudel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fraskin Stanley and family of Galt, Calif.; Mrs. Keller, Mrs. Emerson and daughters of Oakley, Calif.
After a short wedding trip, the couple will be at home at 5867 Auburn Blvd., Sacramento, Calif.
 | Marriage- Smith, Opal-Houck, Richard 2 An error was made in the Smith-Houck wedding story in last week's Reporter. It should have read as follows: Miss Opal Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith of Sacramento, Calif., became the bride of Mr. Richard H. Houck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Houck of Delia, Kansas. |