Genealogy for the Rossville, Kansas area, compiled by the Rossville Community Library.
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Henry D Zemborski

Male - 1934



Obituary- Zemborski, Henry

H. D. Zemborski, 65, passed away at the home of his son, C.H. Zemborski, in Kansas City, Mo., Friday, December 14, following a lingering illness of about three years.
He is survived by his wife, four daughters, 3 living in the east and Miss Anna Zemborski of Topeka, and a son, Henry.
Funeral services were conducted from the Rose & Henderson Funeral Home in Kansas City, Monday morn¬ing at 10 o’clock. Burial was in the Green Lawn cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Zemborski were Ross¬ville residents for a number of years while he conducted a harness and shoe establishment and made a host of friends who extend to Mrs. Zem¬borski and family sympathy in their bereavement.

File nameObituary- Zemborski, Henry.jpg
File Size785.99k
Dimensions2476 x 1601
Linked toHenry D Zemborski