1846 - 1906 (60 years)
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Obituary- Sherman, Adrian 2
ill health for eight or nine years, having been stricken with a partial paralysis. June 30 of this year he was taken with indigestion which resulted later in complications. Since July 4 his death has been expected hourly. As the arrangements now stand the services here will be in charge of the Masons and the body will be sent to Rossville for burial in the family lot of the Rossville cemetery. The funeral services will be held at Rossville on Tuesday in case the brother W.C. Sherman who is now in California reaches here in time. Otherwise they will be postponed.
The life of A.C. Sherman would make a good [ ] volume in intself. Coming to Kansas in 1870 he and Colonel G.W. Veale purchased a tract of land on which Rossville is located from the Indians and founded the town. He engaged in stock raising and real estate business for some time and then opened a grocery store. Later he became interested in hardware and opened a hardware store in Rossville. His brother, W.C. Sherman afterwards became associated with him in his mercantile interest and the business was carried on under the firm name of Sherman Bros. He build the first hotel in Rossville.
Notwithstanding the fact that his business from the mercantile lines paid him $30,000 per year he soon commenced a grain commission business which he continued until a few years ago. One of his last business dealings was to sell his elevator which he owned at Rossville.
At one time Mr. Sherman was reputed to be one of the wealthiest men in the county. Besides his various business enterprises he at one time owned 200 lots in the city of Topeka. For many years he did a grain business which amounted to $100,000 yearly. When the boom collapsed he lost heavily and later closed out his business in Rossville and moved to Topeka. For some time he was at the head of a grain commission business which was located in the Office block but was forced to retire on account of ill health.
In January of 1880 he was appointed postmaster of Rossville and held this position until his election as county commissioner in which office he served two terms. Later he was elected to the Legislature and took part in the legislative war which stirred up so much feeling over the state. He served two terms as Representative.
Mr. Sherman took an active part in the Civil war and went through the entire conflict without receiving so much as a scratch. He was in the hospital once during the five years and then only for a week. He was the youngest soldier in his regiment, which was the Eighteenth Indiana infantry when he was 15 years old. When his time was up he immediately re-enlisted and served until the end of the war.
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