1910 - 2003 (92 years)
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Obituary- Dayton, Sophia 1
Sophia Dayton
Sophia Dayton, 92, died Thurs¬day, May 15, 2003, at a Topeka nursing home.
She was born Oct. 3, 1910, at Geistown, Pa., the daughter of George and Laura Griffith Garretson.
Mrs. Dayton was a former member of the Amaryllis Chapter 321 O.E.S. of Rossville. She was a graduate of Menninger Bible Study and a member of the Rossville Literary Club. She attended the Topeka Church of the Brethren and was a Sunday school teacher for many years. She was a former member of the Rossville Methodist Church.
She married Charles G. Dayton, Sept. 23, 1933, in Cumberland, Md. He died on Dec. 3, 1992.
She also was preceded in death by a son, C. Ronald Dayton, in 1983.
Survivors include two daugh¬ters, Nancy L. Brooks, Topeka, J. Kathleen Kovar, Rossville; three sons, Richard L. Dayton, John W. Dayton, both of Bella Vista, Ark., and Daniel A. Dayton, Overland Park; a brother, Walter Garretson, Newcastle, Pa.; 15 grandchil¬dren; 18 great-grandchildren; and one great-great grandson.
Memorial services will be at 10 a.m. Monday at the Topeka Church of the Brethren. Inter¬ment will be at Rossville Ceme-tery.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Topeka Church of the Brethren, 3201 N.W. Roches¬ter Road, Topeka, 66617; or Ross¬ville United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 586, Rossville, 66533.
Parker-Price Mortuary is in charge of arrangements.
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