1859 - 1949 (89 years)
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Obituary- Dolezilek, Frank Sr.
Frank Dolezilek Funeral Saturday Afternoon At 2
Frank Dolezilek, Sr., passed away at 6:20 Wednesday morning, June 22, at his home after a brief last illness. He had been a Rossville resident in township and city since 1880. He moved into town about five years ago when his eyesight became impaired.
Mr. Dolezilek was born in Brusperk, Czechoslovakia, October 1, 1859, and would have passed his 90th year next October. He came to America with his parents and three younger brothers in 1880.
February 1, 1892, he was united in marriage to Mary Mynar at Rossville. She preceded him in death in 1939.
Seven children were born to this union, all of whom survive except the eldest son who passed away in infancy. They are: Five daughters, Mrs. Mary Matyak, Delia; Mrs. Frances Koci, Topeka; Mrs. Antonie Ray, Topeka; Mrs. Anna Strimple and Mrs. Lydia Strimple, Rossville; and one son, Frank Jr., Rossville. Also surviving are two brothers, Joe of Poplar, Montana and Antone Dolezilek of St. Marys. There are 17 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon, June 25, at 2 o'clock at the Presbyterian Church, in charge of Rev. B.A. Rundus.
The pallbearers will be six grandsons, Mssrs. Frank Koci, Paul Matyak, Jr., Orville Strimple, George Dolezilek, Clyde Strimple, Jr., and Marvin Tibbs.
Burial will be in Moravan Cemetery northeast of Rossville
In Memoriam
In sacred memory of our beloved father, Frank Dolezilek, Sr., who passed away one year ago June 22. Sadly missed by all the children.
File name | Obituary- Dolezilek, Frank Sr..jpg |
File Size | 1.04m |
Dimensions | 1561 x 2458 |
Linked to | Frank G Dolezilek, Sr. |
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