1869 - 1949 (80 years)
Obituary- Grooms, Mary
Mrs. Mary A. Grooms, wife of the late James Matt Grooms, a former resident of Rossville, died Wednesday, December 28, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alta Redmond, of Route 3, North Topeka. She was 80 years old.
Mrs. Grooms was born May 11, 1869, at Toledo, Ohio, and came to Westmoreland when a small child. She lived at Delia for a time and moved to Rossville in 1892. She removed to Topeka in 1908. Mrs. Grooms was a member of the United Brethren Church of Adrian.
Funeral services were held Saturday at 2 p. m. at the Eslinger Funeral Home. Burial was in Mount Hope Cemetery.
Surviving besides Mrs. Redmond, is another daughter, Miss Mary A. Grooms of Burbank, Calif.; three sons Albert, Vernon and A. J. Grooms of Topeka; a stepdaughter Mrs. Eva Moll of DeSoto; a brother, Robert Eiserman, of Arrington; 11 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.