- 1944
Obituary- Hamlin, James
Tuesday evening of last week Mrs. Hudson received news of the death of her brother, James B. Hamlin, of Barboursville, West Virginia. Starting as an apprentice when 14 years old with the Santa Fe in the Topeka shops, he learned welding and blacksmithing and served almost continuously at the trade since. For the last 20 years he had worked for the Cheasapeake & Ohio railroad and intended to retire on a pension next spring. A fraternal organization for railroad employees furnished an escort for his body from Barboursville to Topeka, where burial was made in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Hudson is now the only living member of her immediate family.
File name | Obituary- Hamlin, James.jpg |
File Size | 1m |
Dimensions | 2521 x 1595 |
Linked to | James B Hamlin |