1854 - 1937 (83 years)
Obituary- Joy, Rachael
Mrs. Rachael K. Joy, 83, died Monday morning at a Topeka hospital of injures she suffered a week previous when she fell and broke her hip.
Mrs. Joy, a resident of this county since she came here as a child with her parents in 1855, was born in Mt. Ephriam, Ohio. She lived near Tecumseh and Rossville but in Shawnee county all of her life. She was a member of the Rossville Methodist church.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. J. R. Johnson, of Topeka, and Mrs. T.P. Oliver, of Rossville; three sons, J. V. Parks, of Lakeland, Florida; Harry R. Parks, of Topeka; and Louie Parks, of Los Angeles, Calif.; two stepchildren, Mrs. Lester Parr of Silver Lake and Owen Joy of Oklahoma City, Okla.; nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. One brother, W. V. Hook, of Rossville.
Funeral services were held from the Penwell chapel, Wednesday at 2 o’clock, conducted by the Rev. Harold C. Case.
The pallbearers were Clyde Milliken and Frank Read of Tecumseh, Lowell, Guilford and Ben Hook of Silver Lake, and Luther Smith of Topeka. The body was brought to Rossville for burial in the U. B. cemetery.
Bert Parks of Lakeland, Fla., and Owen Joy of Oklahoma City, called to Kansas by the death of their mother, Mrs. S. F. Joy were in town Wednesday renewing acquaintance with old friends.