Obituary- Mileham, Alice
Mrs. Alice Mileham
Mrs. Alice Mileham, 75, a Topeka resident for thirty-five years, died Monday, September 21, in Winslow, Arizona, where she was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Edna Welch. The body was brought to Topeka for funeral services Friday afternoon at the Church of the Assumption. Burial was in Mt. Calvary cemetery.
Mrs. Mileham was born in Detroit, Mich., in 1861, came to Rossville, with her family when a child where she lived for many years before her removal to Topeka.
She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Edna Welch, Winslow, Ariz., Mrs. Virginia Hanson, Los Angeles, Calif.; two sons Harry, of Ashfort, Ariz., and Benjamin C. Mileham of Phoenix, Ariz.; a sister, Miss Frances DeGraff, Rossville; and three brothers, Joseph, George and William DeGraff all of Rossville.
[From 1 Oct 1936]
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Welch returned to their home at Winslow, Ariz., Friday evening following the burial service of her mother, Mrs. Alice Mileham.
[From 1 Oct 1936]
Mrs. Isadore DeGraff returned, Wednesday, to her home in Shawnee, Okla., after a visit since last Friday with her sister, Mrs. C.G. Lemon. She was called here by the death of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Alice Mileham.
[From 1 Oct 1936]
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Welch of Winslow, Ariz., arrived this morning accompanying the body of her mother, Mrs. Alice Mileham, who died suddenly Monday evening at the home of her daughter.
[From 24 Sep 1936]
Mrs. Alice Mileham Passed Away Monday
Mrs. Alice Mileham, visiting at Winslow, Ariz., passed away Monday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edna Welch. She has been in Winslow just four weeks to the day. Death resulted following a lingering illness. For the past two years Mrs. Mileham has been confined at the home of her brother, William DeGraff, suffering from heart trouble.
Funeral services will be from the Assumption church in Topeka, tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 2 o'clock and burial in Mount Calvary cemetery.
[From 24 Sep 1936]