1868 - 1952 (83 years)
Obituary- Myers, Rosetta
Mrs. Rosetta Isabel Myers, 83, died Wednesday morning at her home at Rossville, after a very brief illness from a stroke.
She was born Sept. 12, 1868, in Jack son county near Holton.
At the age of 12 she removed with her family to Pottawatomie County.
She was married to Thaddeus J. Myers, March 17, 1894 and made her home in or near Rossville, the rest of her life.
She was a member of the Methodist church, and was past worthy matron of Amaryllis, chapter 312, OES in Rossville.
Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Mildred French of 2037 High, Mrs. Olive Cochran of 1163 Boswell, Mrs. Gwen McAfee of Leoma, Tenn., and Mrs. Edna White of South San Francisco; four sons, Vernon F. Myears [sic Myers] of Rossville, Ross Myers and Louis Myers both of Topeka, and Clark Myers of Austin, Tex.; one brother, Norton Page of Ault, Colo.; three sisters, Mrs. Alice Gideon of Newkirk, Ok., Mrs. Cora Sorrells of Denver and Mrs. May Sims of Colby; 24 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock at Methodist church. Rev. Earl O. Harbour will conduct the service, assisted by the pastor, Rev. Don Jones.