1889 - 1955 (66 years)
Obituary- Schlotz, Arthur
Arthur Harrison Schlotz, 66, Delia, died of a heart attack Thursday, October 13, at his home. He was horn in Minneapolis, Kansas, March 13, 1889, and was the last member of his family of four brothers and one sister. He was a veteran of World War I and a member of Capital Post No. 1, American Legion.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Velma Schlotz of the home; two daughters, Mrs. Ruth Raine of Maple Hill, Mrs. Faye Martin of St. Louis, Mo.; five grandchildren, several nieces and nephews.
The body was taken to Verschelden Funeral chapel in St. Marys. Funeral services were held Saturday at two o’clock in the Presbyterian church at Delia.
Burial was in Memorial Park Cemetery, Topeka. Capital Post No. 1, American Legion, had Services at the cemetery.