1870 - 1962 (92 years)
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Obituary- Stumbaugh, Harriet 1
Harriet J. Stumbaugh
Mrs. Harriet J. Stum baugh, 92, a resident of the Rossville community most of her life, died in a Topeka Nursing Home Friday, May 11.
Mrs. Stumbaugh was born March 11, 1870 near Rossville. She was a member of the First Baptist Church, Holton, Kansas. Her husband; S. F. Stumbaugh died in January 1936.
Survivors include two sons, Sidney B. Stumbaugh and G. P. Stumbaugh of Rossville; a daughter, Mrs. L. G. Collier, 2133 Jewell, Topeka, and twin sisters, Mrs. Arrena Ferguson and Miss Arrilda Perry, both of Holton.
Services were held at 2 p. m. Sunday, May 13, .at Parker Mortuary, conducted by Rev. E. A. Lambert of the North Topeka Baptist Church. Interment was in The Rossville Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Roy Wilt, Clarence Emert, Clayton Carrell, Homer Reid, Ralph Page and Fred McCollough.
CARD OF THANKS - We wish to express our appreciation to our many friends, neighbors and relatives for the many acts of kindness, sympathy, flowers and cards during our bereavement.
Sidney B. Stumbaugh
G. P. Stumbaugh
Mrs. L. G. Collier
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