Genealogy for the Rossville, Kansas area, compiled by the Rossville Community Library.
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William Sherman Trotter

Male - 1923



Obituary- Trotter, Sherman

Sherman Trotter Dead

Sherman Trotter, aged 50, died at his home, 213 East Curtis street, Topeka, Saturday morning. The funeral was held Tuesday from the Stonestreet Chapel. The deceased was a colored man who for many years was a successful blacksmith in the Menoken neighborhood. Many of the people of Rossville who recall the famous old ball team of 25 of 30 years ago, will remember the deceased as the catcher on the Menoken team which was a worthy rival of the local team.

The deceased has no surviving relatives.

File nameObituary- Trotter, Sherman.jpg
File Size732.62k
Dimensions2498 x 1595
Linked toWilliam Sherman Trotter