1883 - 1921 (38 years)
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Obituary- Tucker, Ella 2
Dr. H.B. Miller was called immediately and pronounced her dead after which the coroner was notified and permission was granted to take the body into the house.
Dementia is believed to have caused her act. She had been troubled with a nervous disorder for several years and returned to Rossville less than a year ago after spending some time in Christ hospital and other sanitariums, for treatment.
As the case was clearly one of suicide Coroner Clark returned to Topeka without holding an inquest.
The Tucker family are former Pottawatomie county people, living near Louisville where the parents of both were old settlers. They came to Rossville about two years ago.
Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Christian church conducted by the Rev. Horne. The body will be interred in the Rossville cemetery.
The local Eastern Star order will have charge of the service at the grave.
Beside her husband, Mrs. Tucker is survived by two daughters, Irene 13, and Doris 7; three brothers Charles Eggers of Severy Kansas, and Louis and Albert Eggers.
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