1837 - 1938 (100 years)
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Birthday- Binns, Gulielma 2
Nearing Her 100th Year
Grandma Elma Binns, at the Methodist Home in Topeka, will celebrate her 99th birthday anniversary Tuesday, August 18th, and no doubt would appreciate greetings from her Rossville friends. She is confined to her bed just now as the result of a recent fall we regret to learn.
Mrs. Elma Binns who makes her home at the Methodist Home in Topeka, celebrated her 99th birthday anniversary, Tuesday, August 18th. During the afternoon a reception was held in her honor. Friends who called to congratulate her were served with lemonade and birthday cake. Although Mrs. Binns had been confined to her bed she was able to be up and enjoyed the day. Many thoughtful friends remembered her with cards and letters and although she could not read them herself, she recalled all of their names and of some, she mentioned little incidents which had occurred while she was still living in her home at Rossville. One highlight of her day was from a cameraman on the Daily Capital staff who took her picture, together with two of her callers who also were over ninety years of age. The picture appeared in the Daily Capital Wednesday morning and was a splendid picture of Mrs. Binns.
File name | Birthday- Binns, Gulielma 2.png |
File Size | 480.43k |
Dimensions | 322 x 760 |
Linked to | Gulielma Hill Binns |
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