1900 - 1985 (85 years)
Birthday- Reid, Homer; Howerton, Mabel; McPherson, Helen
A Birthday Party
A surprise party was planned to be given at the home of Mrs. J. Reid last Thursday evening. The guests of honor were, Miss Mable Howerton, Miss Helen McPherson and Homer Reid, it being their 14th birthday anniversaries. Owing to bad weather the crowd could not go to the country so they met at the home of Miss Irene Howard and enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Refreshments were served. Those present were: Helen McPherson, Mabel Howerton, Doris Jamieson, Gladys Eversole, Pauline Baylis, Gladys Hartzell, Bernice Davis, Irene Howard, Thurlow Neiswender, Fred Stuart, Carl Parr, Clyde Strimple, Pheane Ross, Ora Parr, Leslie Griswold, and Orville Hartzell.