m. 25 Dec 1937
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Engagement- Davis, Gladys-Ryan, Gerald
Mrs. Sam Alexander announced the engagement and approaching marriage of her niece, Miss Gladys Davis to Mr. Gerald Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ryan, at an informal party Thursday evening at the Alexander home.
The date of their marriage was cleverly announced with miniature dolls, dressed as bride and groom. They will be married December 25.
The guest list included: Mrs. Wayne Morrison, Mrs. Kim Phillips, Mrs. L. Washburn, Mrs. W.A. Crosjean, Mrs. M.H. O'Connell, Mrs. J.M. Hampton, Mrs. F.W. Whorton, Mrs. Clarence Bellamny, Mrs. Paul Howard, Mrs. Henry Kendall, Mrs. Claude Harrison, Mrs. E.F. Beckner, Mrs. Fred Kinkel, Miss Reges Mentlick, Mrs. M. Miller, Miss Enid Thurston, Mrs. E.H. Mullinax, MIss Velma Voisin, Mrs. George Grady, and Miss Dorothy Phillips. The wedding will take place at the home of Miss Davis' aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Alexander and the honeymoon spent in the southern and western states - The Northwest Kansas News, Colby, Kansas.
The bride-to-be is the elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennie Davis of this community. Miss Davis is a registered nurse. Her Rossville friends are pleased to extend best wishes.
[From 17 Dec 1936]
Miss Gladys Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Davis of Rossville and Mr. Gerald Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ryan of Colby were married December 25 at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. S.H. Alexander.
[From 7 Jan 1937-reprint]
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