m. 16 Jul 1924
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Marriage- Taber, Ida-Lemon, Troy
Mr. Troy Lemon and Miss Ida Taber were married at Manhattan yesterday morning, and left immediately on a wedding tour through western Kansas, and will visit in Denver Colo., and Cheyenne, Wyoming, before returning home.
The wedding came as a surprise to the parents of the young people and their friends. Mrs. Lemon is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Taber, of the Willard neighborhood. Mr. Lemon is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lemon, living northwest of Rossville, lie is steady and a reliable young man who was born and reared in this community. After the return of Mr. and Mrs. Lemon about August 1, they will make their home with his parents for the present.
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