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Anniversary- Martinek, William and Agnes
William Martineks to Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. William Martinek will be the honored guests at an open house celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday, August 8, in their home at Silver Lake.
Friends and relatives are invited to attend from 2 till 4 p.m. The couple requests that no gifts be presented.
Hosts will be their children, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martinek, Rossville; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Martinek, Las Cruces, N.M.; Mr. and Mrs. Don Redmon, Topeka; and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Martinek, Silver Lake; and their thirteen grandchildren.
Mr. and Mrs. Martinek were married September 8, 1926 in Topeka, and have lived in the Silver Lake-Delia Community all their married life.
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