m. 7 Jun 1947
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Anniversary- Sumner, Bob and Margaret 3
Margaret and Bob Sumner
Golden Anniversary for Sumner Couple
Bob and Margaret Sumner, St. Marys, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on Friday, June 6, with a reception in their honor at the American Legion Building in Rossville, starting at 7:30 p.m. The couple requests no gifts, please.
Mr. Sumner retired after working 30 years at Goodyear. Mrs. Sumner retired after 23 years of working for Kaw Valley U.S.D. #321.
Hosting the celebration will be their children, Dennie and Kathy Sumner, St. Mary; Vern and Janet Sumner and Nancy Fiedler, Rossville; and their eight grandchildren.
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